Ultrasound at Green Valley
What is an Ultrasound?
An ultrasound examination, also known as ultrasonography, is a non-invasive imaging technique that allows internal body structures to be seen by recording echoes or reflections of ultrasonic waves. These waves are converted to a picture. These pictures can be used to make a diagnosis of your pets illness. We can even use it to diagnose pregnancy, or check on fetal health.
What do veterinarians look for on ultrasounds?
When veterinarians perform ultrasounds, they look for a variety of things depending on your pet's symptoms. Ultrasound allows us to examine the organs, tissues, and structures in real time to assess their size, shape, and condition. This is particularly helpful in diagnosing issues like tumors, fluid buildup, and foreign objects in the abdomen. If your dog or cat is unwell and typical diagnostic tests haven't provided clear answers, an ultrasound may be necessary to identify the underlying problem. Sometimes, pets ingest things they shouldn't, and an abdominal ultrasound can help us spot foreign materials that may require surgical removal.
How long will I have to wait for results from my dog’s imaging?
Once the ultrasound is completed, we receive instant results, since ultrasounds are real-time imaging. However, if we need to send samples from the organs for further testing or pathology, those results may take 5-10 days. In some cases, especially for older or more sensitive pets, we may administer pain medication to ensure they are comfortable during the procedure, as lying on their backs can be uncomfortable for them. Ultrasounds themselves are painless and non-invasive, making them a great diagnostic tool for our furry friends.
Will my dog or cat need to be sedated for an ultrasound?
During the ultrasound, your pet may have a small IV catheter placed, which involves shaving a small area on their front limb. We'll also shave a part of their belly to ensure the best image quality for accurate results. While food restrictions are typically recommended (usually no food for 8 hours before the procedure), the process is generally straightforward. For abdominal ultrasounds, your pet might spend part of the day with us as we complete the procedure. If your pet’s condition is still unclear after the ultrasound, it often helps rule out potential causes and points us in the right direction for further testing or treatment.
Can I stay with my dog or cat while the imaging is done?
If you're wondering whether you can stay with your pet, it depends on the procedure. For a full abdominal ultrasound, your pet may need to stay with us for the day, but you can always ask about your options. If you want to schedule an ultrasound for your dog or cat, simply give us a call at 937-216-3436 or visit our website to book a consultation. We’re here to help your pet feel better!
How Can I Schedule an Ultrasound Appointment?
Ultrasound is available to our clients and patients at Green Valley Veterinary Care. We will also provide this service to non-clients/owners if your primary veterinarian has recommended you seek an abdominal ultrasound with another doctor. Just call to schedule the procedure and we will be happy to help you. We will work with your veterinarian to get them information they need from a scan.